Utah Food Handler $29.99

get your UTAH food handlers Card today

The State of Utah requires that all food handlers have a valid food handler permit. After you complete our course you’ll receive a downloadable temporary certificate and then your official Utah Food Handlers Card will be mailed to you by the Utah Department of Health and Human Services.  Our course for Utah is available in English and Spanish.

This Food Handlers Course has been developed to meet the requirements of Utah State Rule R392-103, Section 103-7(5). It is periodically updated to stay current with food codes and to improve quality.

The price for this course includes the $15.00 fee mandated by the health department, and is required in order for you to receive the official Utah Food Handlers Card.

Course Language Availability

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what our customers are saying

"The team at Responsible Training has been professional and helpful every step of the way. Getting al of the Managers at our 19 restaurants food safety certified has been a breeze. All of us at Freddy's Frozen Custard and Steakburgers in Houston look forward to working with Responsible Training in the future."

Clay Phillips
Director of Training
Freddy's Frozen Custard

"We've seen a significant positive response from our customers who find Responsible Training's courses enjoyable and user-friendly."

Anthony Spanel
City of Amarillo
Dept. of Environmental Health

"Responsible Training made learning about food safety engaging and practical. Understanding how to control germs and cook safely has been invaluable."

Rick Gauna
Food Safety Educators

"I loved how their exams used everyday language. It made the learning process much more straightforward and less intimidating."

Clay Phillips
Director of Training
Freddy's Frozen Custard

course overview

This course consists of 6 lessons and a final exam. The lessons are:

Lesson 1

Food Safety Basics

Lesson 2

Personal Hygiene

Lesson 3

Receiving and Storing Food

Lesson 4

The Danger Zone

Lesson 5

Sanitation, Cleaning and Maintenance

Lesson 6

Employee Health Status

UTAH Food Handlers Details

Notification of Your Local Health Department

The State of Utah requires trainers to send notification to local (county) health departments that you have completed the training and earned a Food Handlers Certificate. Based on the address that you provide before starting the course, Responsible Training shall, within seven days, transmit your information to the local health department. 

You may obtain your food handler permit from the local health department by providing your name (exactly as you submitted it to Responsible Training) and certificate ID.

What Will I Learn?

  • How sickness is spread and how food becomes contaminated through unsafe practices are among the fundamentals of preventing foodborne illness.
  • Why hygiene is important, and how personal grooming, handwashing, and the use of protective clothing help you avoid illness.
  • How to spot the signs and symptoms of communicable diseases and food-borne illnesses that will keep you from working, and when you'll need a doctor's permission before working with foods.
  • How to accept and store food securely, including when to refuse food and how to keep food safe from contamination.
  • How to prevent foodborne illness by controlling food temperature, including how to measure and keep foods in safe temperature zones, as well as how to safely cook, cool, and reheat food.
  • The proper cleaning and sanitizing procedures to ensure a safe environment.

Learn more about the Food Handlers Course from the Frequently Asked Questions.

12741 Research Blvd, Austin, Texas, 78759
P: 512-996-0909

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